Grand Avenue Expansion Bids Come In Below Estimate
Good news for taxpayers on the Grand Avenue street-widening project; it won’t be as expensive as estimated. The Billings Gazette reports the project to help accommodate additional traffic with the opening of Ben Steele Middle School in August will be constructed for about $1.2 million less than originally estimated. The Billings City Council is set to vote on approving bids for that project and other matters during today’s meeting at 6:30 p.m. in council chambers at City Hall on N. 27th St.
The initial engineer’s estimate for the project between 52nd Street West and 58th Street West, was $3.9 million. The total submitted by Knife River of Billings, is nearly $2.7 million. It includes a three-lane section along Grand Avenue, a traffic signal at 54th Street West and Grand, a pedestrian signal in front of the school, and multi-use paths.