Virtual News Center

Youth Call for Billings Nondiscrimination Ordinance
The Gazette reports Billings high school student activists– along with area faith leaders– have revived a push for a Billings nondiscrimination ordinance. The group of West High students are clear about what they’re after. They gathered after school on Wednesday, and West senior Allison Johnson said “It’s important for Billings — not just socially but economically — to listen to what young people

Montana Reacts to Shutdown
Montana’s Democratic U.S. Sen. Jon Tester chastised lawmakers on the Senate floor Thursday, demanding a resolution to what may be the longest government shutdown in U.S. history. Meanwhile, Republican Sen. Steve Daines of Montana announced he’s proposing a bill that would not allow lawmakers to receive a paycheck while the government is shut down...

Training Center in Miles City
The Gazette reports Miles City Fire and Rescue crews have a new $250,000 Fire Training Center, allowing MCFR crews to simulate live fires, improve firefighting skills and enhance the treatment of burn victims, the department said in a press release...

Human Trafficking Talk in Billings
In human trafficking, there is no prostitution without customers. Q2 reports that’s one of the messages from a man who has worked on helping women overcome the pain associated with sexual exploitation. Peter Qualliotine spoke on Thursday at the Billings Public Library about ending commercial sexual exploitation, at the Royal C...

Missoula Man Charged with Stalking
Q2 reports 79-year-old Roderick Adolph Pahl of Missoula is in jail for violating a protection order filed by a woman who said he was going to kidnap and physically assault her. Pahl is charged with one felony count of stalking. On December14th, the unidentified woman obtained an order of protection against Pahl in municipal court...

Dems, GOP Differ on Montana Medicaid
The state’s top Republican legislator and top Democratic elected official differ on Medicaid for Montana. Democratic Gov. Steve Bullock made a new pitch Tuesday for extending Montana’s $550 million-a-year Medicaid expansion program and leading Republican Ed Buttrey of Great Falls told MTN News that he’s hoping to introduce a Medicaid bill in the coming weeks...

MSUB Training Techniques
Montana State University-Billings’ Health and Human Performance Department uses the VO2 Max test as a tool to optimize effort during physical fitness. VO2 Max Testing is a means by which to measure cardiovascular fitness. Oxygen consumption allows you to produce energy, allowing for muscles to contract and keep you moving...

Handgun in Washighton Elementary Tuesday
Parents could breathe a sigh of relief after it was reported that a third-grade student who brought a handgun to Washington Elementary School Tuesday did not act violently. Superintendent Greg Upham confirmed that the incident on Billings’ West End happened at the end of the school day...

Volunteers Keeping Yellowstone Clean
With the federal government shutdown entering its third week– and no political or practical end in sight– Q2 reports some Montana residents are stepping in to make sure Yellowstone National Park stays clean and open for business. A heated bathroom at Mammoth has been closed since the shutdown began, but just a little way up the road there’s an outhouse that’s open, and locals say it is practically

Trump’s Coal Report Card
Once celebrated as America’s most coal-friendly leader, President Donald Trump is reportedly faring significantly worse than his predecessor when it comes to the waning coal industry. Q2 reports many in Montana’s Coal Country blamed Obama-era regulations for their demise, so when candidate Donald Trump promised to end a so-called “war on coal,” they were ready to believe him...