Biden’s AG Hammered Over Montana Memo Threatening Parents
Can you believe this guy was almost on the United States Supreme Court? Unbelievable how many times he kept pleading ignorance during this hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill.
That was the reaction we got from folks on the radio Thursday morning, as we played the audio of Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) hammering Attorney General Merrick Garland over the memo that was sent out by the Acting US Attorney in Montana.
Garland was already under fire for issuing his own memo that called for treating parents like domestic terrorists if they were questioning their local school board. On Wednesday, though, he was called out for the even more audacious memo sent out by the US Attorney's office in Montana:
Sen. Hawley: I'm looking here at this memo. It identifies no fewer than 13 possible federal crimes involving harassment and intimidation, including making annoying phone calls.
He continued:
Do you think that a parent who looks at the 13 different federal crimes that your Justice Department has identified they might be subject to and prosecuted for- like making annoying phone calls? Do you think that they're going to feel that they're welcome to speak up at a school board meeting? How about this one- they can be prosecuted for using the internet? I guess that would be Facebook- in a way that might cause emotional distress to a victim? Is that, is that a crime of violence?
Check out the full back and forth below:
You can read the full memo from the Montana US Attorney's office by clicking here.
Local prosecutors are already calling the memo "nonsense...pure nonsense." Broadwater County Attorney Cory Swanson added:
Cory Swanson: Parents have a right to direct the upbringing and education of their children. That is not a right granted by the government, that is a right granted by God. If parents have concerns that a school is imposing illegal or unworkable COVID restrictions, trans-gender mandates, or Critical Race Theory, upon their children, the parents have a right to speak up and get involved. Local control and parental involvement always produce the best educational environment for kids. The federal government has no right to stifle dissent by threatening parents as domestic terrorists or inter-state criminals.
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