"The lawlessness you advocate for has led to 350,000 missing children, many of whom have likely ended up being sex trafficked...not to mention the rapists, murderers and drug dealers that have targeted the most vulnerable in our society"
School officials in Whitehall, Montana made the right call, and now they're being bullied by the ACLU and liberal newspapers in the area- so we wanted to give them a chance to be heard.
One of our listeners, Larry in Great Falls, shared a great update- a bill to stop taxing Social Security benefits in Montana is moving forward in the state House of Representatives.
What do Montana producers think about the idea to create a Montana Cattle Committee? This would apparently be similar to the Wheat & Barley Committee, and funded by a new checkoff focused on Montana beef.
We got a nice surprise phone call from Nathan Duram in Fort Benton Monday morning. His mission is to get gigantic American flags flying high over towns all across Montana.
The Friends of the Drug Cartels. That's what I'm calling these Left wing activists who staged a small protest while they chanted "no justice, no peace" outside the Metra in Billings, Montana over the weekend.
The UK Daily Mail just had a report featuring what they described as "shocking" new information regarding the China Spy Balloon that hovered over Montana almost exactly two years ago.
Update Just Before 10P Sunday Night From SD2:
"After consulting with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), we have decided to call tomorrow, February 3rd, a snow day. There will be no school or school-related activities...