Bar Owner Claims She isn’t Racist after “Ch*nk Flu” Comments in Montana
Recently, a local bar in McLeod, Montana has gone viral (of sorts) online thanks to the owner. Holly's Road Kill Saloon and owner Holly Tinch have been the center of a flurry of support and hatred for the past few weeks. Let's dive into the coverage.

What started all this?
The bar owner, Holly, wrote on Facebook about "a bunch of 20/30 somethings" and how they chose to voice their complaints about the establishment on the Billings Customer Service Group (On Facebook). Allegedly, Holly said "Ch*nk Flu" while referring to COVID-19 a few years ago at the start of the pandemic. Seems it took a few years for that comment to be found, but racist comments always come to light.
Wasn't Holly's for sale?
Yes, it was. In fact, our own Michael Foth wrote on it being for sale back in July of 2021. Was it sold? Nope. What happened to that? No clue, likely people just did not want to be in the middle of nowhere for a bar. That, and the fact she wanted $639,333 for the place... in the middle of nowhere. I'd love to share more, but the listing is down... and I feel like Holly wouldn't like having a conversation with me about this. Check out the post from Michael below.
What has come from this?
Well, funny enough, as all things racism come to light, the ones who said the comments go one of two ways:
- Apologizing, and after a certain time period, moving on without too much memory of the incident.
- Claiming people are critics, saying they call it as they see it, and telling those to get over it.
What did Holly choose? Well, she chose the second option, obviously. Why would she choose anything else?

Since her 15 minutes of racist fame have come, Holly has received traction from local television stations and other news outlets. She insists she is NOT racist, at all, and if you think she is... you're the one who has to deal with that. Not her.
I'm one of the TOP promoters of local, small businesses... but I honestly cannot point anyone toward this saloon. And I'd go as far as to say... avoid it. Where can you hurt people the most? Their pocketbook. Maybe Holly will just "get over it" with less business, or maybe more will support her.
I certainly won't support her... and it's a shame, the food there DID look like one I need to check out.
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