I've had a number of folks ask me, "Hey Aaron. Who was that expert that you spoke to about the problems with doing all mail in elections?" His name is Hans Von Spakovsky. He's a policy expert with the Heritage Foundation.

First, if you'd like to read more of what Hans says is the problem with all mail in elections, you can read a lengthier report here. These are the three takeaways:

Based on federal data from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, millions of mail ballots were never counted as completed votes.

If you vote by mail, in contrast to polling places, there is no one to help you and fix a mistake. Mail voting mistakes are fatal to your vote.

Unsupervised mail ballots encourage vote-buying, intimidation and absentee ballot fraud as previously seen in North Carolina, Mississippi and Texas.


I also was able to get some Montana specific angles to this story during my conversation with Hans. Click below to listen:



Here's another clip with Hans on The Lars Larson show:

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