Set your DVR: Montana Girl on Ninja Warrior Jr.
Set your DVR's on Saturday night for the new American Ninja Warrior Jr show- a Montana girl made the cut! She's known as 'Queen Beezy."
The Yellowstone Valley Woman magazine has her story in their latest edition:
Her heart was racing. The clock started the countdown to competition and just before the bell sounded to throw her body into action, Brooklyn Sittner looked down to see her parents ready to cheer her on in the highest-profile competition of her 11-year-old life. Out of thousands of entries, Brooklyn, a.k.a. Queen Beezy, was about to be one of the first kids to test out the obstacle course in season one of American Ninja Warrior Junior.
Her social media post that day read, “Chase your dreams with all of your heart! You never know what doors will open.” The photo showed this pint-size powerhouse in front of the American Ninja Warrior logo at the show’s Los Angeles Studios. The hashtag read #mondaymotivation.
Click here for the full story.