Permitless Carry Nearing the Finish Line in Montana
Permitless carry is nearing the finish line here in Montana. We spoke with Gary Marbut from the Montana Shooting Sports Association on Monday's Montana Talks statewide radio show. Gary gave us the latest info on the gun rights legislation making its way through the Montana Legislature.
Permitless carry is the best way to describe House Bill 102 by Rep. Seth Berglee (R-Joliet) which is awaiting Governor Greg Gianforte's (R-MT) signature. The governor has already expressed his intent to sign the legislation.
We also got an update on House Bill 258 by Rep. Jedediah Hinkle (R-Belgrade). This bill is designed to help block the implementation of any new gun control measures that might come from a President Biden and/or a Democrat controlled Congress. Marbut is encouraging gun rights backers to contact members of the House Judiciary Committee in the Montana Legislature to support this bill.
HB 258 would also be necessary to try and combat radical new gun control proposals like HR 127 in the US House of Representatives by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), one of the more radical left-wing members of the house.
AmmoLand.com had a good rundown on what her proposal would entail, including:
- requires a mental health exam for you, your spouse and your family, or at least two additional friends who can attest to your mental state.
- establishes a national firearm registry so that the government knows what you own.
- taxes gun owners $800 each year.
Click here for the full list of whacky ideas included in this legislation.
We got Gary Marbut's take on each of the bills discussed above, and more. Click below for the full audio of our chat.