Montana Talks LIVE Shows from The Flathead and Missoula
We get a chance to hear from folks all across Montana every day on our statewide radio talk show- Montana Talks. But it's always great to get a chance to see folks in person instead of just over the phone. Plus, there's some folks who may not want to call in to a radio show, but would gladly jump on the microphone in person.
We are looking forward to hosting our show LIVE from Missoula, Columbia Falls, and Kalispell all in the days ahead (July 11th, 12th, and 13th). Our statewide show is at 9 a.m., but I'll be there earlier in the morning if you want to come down.
Monday, July 11th: LIVE from Bretz RV & Marine in Missoula
Tuesday, July 12th: LIVE from Bear Grass Gift and Drug in Columbia Falls.
Wednesday, July 13th: LIVE from Valley Bank of Kalispell.
Then on Wednesday afternoon I look forward to seeing our friends from the Montana Electric Cooperatives Association at their mid-year meeting in beautiful Eureka, Montana.
If you have someone you think should join us on the radio, or if you yourself want to be on the radio- please come down and join us. Count this as your official invite. You can jump on the microphone or just drop in and say hello.
Drop me a message on our Montana Talks app if you have a message you want to share with what we should talk about during the trip as well.
Our listeners have already shared some great ideas. Cynthia in Red Lodge and Pat in Carbon, County said that we should see if Rep. Brad Tschida (R-Missoula) would join us for Monday's show from Missoula. I also thought Downrigger Dale and the Captain from the Outdoor Radio Show would be cool if they're around.
For Kalispell and Columbia Falls, a couple listeners would like to hear from Glacier National Park leaders about the reservation system to access the park.
What do you think we should talk about? Anything happening in Missoula and the Flathead that the rest of the state should hear about?