Missoula Police Investigating Sexually Graphic Phone Calls to Local Hotels
On Tuesday, July 23, a Missoula hotel received a graphic phone call that led to an investigation by the Missoula Police Department. Sgt. Scott Pastian says this particular caller has kept local hotel lines busy for quite some time.
"Starting back in October of 2012 and continuing on until recently we've had a male calling local hotels, being very obscene and sexually graphic," Pastian said. "We'd like to identify this person and we're asking that local hotels speak with their employees about the calls."
According to Pastian, the calls are a crime and information contained in the calls could mean that there is something far more serious than a simple prank going on.
"It's a violation of our privacy in communication statute," Pastian said. "Also, there are details given that are concerning to us that may indicate that there are victims out there of sexual abuse."
Anyone with information about this case is advised to call Crime Stoppers at 721 – 4444.