How Montanans Can Counteract the Globalist Agenda
Last summer I got several phone calls from our radio listeners who attended the Montana Republican Party convention in Helena. They said it was an incredible convention that featured a presentation by Marc Malone, the founder & president of a group called America 21.
Marc Malone will be coming back to Montana in February, and I finally got the chance to catch up with him earlier this week.
Here's the full audio:
What is America 21?
Malone: America 21 is an anti globalist organization. We seek to undo the legislation primarily in middle America which basically pushes this Great Reset legislation...essentially, it comes in the form of sustainable development under the guise of climate change.
Malone is "an English-born American philosopher, entrepreneur, political activist, and counter-theorist on the 'science of social engineering." He says that what a lot of people don't understand is most of that legislation is actually at the local level, and not in DC. He loves America and the fact that America is supposed to be One Nation Under God.
Malone: If we lose America, we lose the West. And if we lose the West, we lose the world. So this, this job, the fights that we're engaged in, of course, is for America first.
So, what is the Great Reset?
Malone: The Great Reset is a essentially a think tank idea which comes out of the World Economic Forum...but really, you can trace its roots back much, much further to at least a century ago in an idea called technocracy. So it isn't actually socialism or Marxism in the way that we see it today. Technocracy is a means of governance, which essentially centralizes science medicine, the economics and the politics of systems. The difference between technocracy and socialism is technocracy doesn't have to be government in the sense of governance.
Here's the video of his presentation in Montana last June:
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