Hanel Bids Farewell
Two-term Billings Mayor Tom Hanel and his wife, Robin, bid farewell and thank you to about 150 friends and family at the Northern Hotel on Thursday evening, and the half-dozen people or so chosen to speak thanked Hanel for his leadership and dedication.
School District 2 Superintendent Terry Bouck recalled attending a Steve Miller Band concert with his wife and the Hanels. Bouck said everybody was coming up to shake hands and talk with Tom, saying “It took us 10 minutes to move 15 feet.”
Retired city administrator Tina Volek divulged a few facts that many residents may not know about the mayor and his wife, including how they donate his mayoral salary of $9,600 each year to local charities, saying few people know just how much time Robin and Tom spend working for people. Read more at billingsgazette.com.