Diet Soda Will Kill You!
OK, I may be slightly exaggerating with that headline... but there are good reasons for you to STOP drinking diet soda.
I've been dieting my entire life and up until this last year I would drink at least a six pack of Diet Mountain Dew every day. It's sugar free!
Well then I found out some interesting information about the calorie free beverages that have been marketed to fat people like me for decades.
A 2013 Study found damaged brain cells in lab rats when the poor little bastards were force fed the artificial sweetener in most diet sodas. Scientist say this could cause migraines in us humans!
Diet Coke uses aspartame that is 200 times sweeter than sugar. That will overwhelm your taste buds which could dull the taste of the cupcakes you stuff in your face when you fall off the wagon! And if you are using Splenda in your morning joe, that's 600 times sweeter than sugar!
A recent study in Japan found drinking diet soda could actually increase your risk for diabetes! Middle aged men were much more likely to develop type-2 diabetes if they drank at least one diet soda a day. Maybe all the mercury in sushi will counteract this effect?