FDA raises alarm on a widely prescribed antibiotic that is causing life-threatening reactions and in some cases, death. Are you or a family member at risk?
With our short growing season, and typically poor soil, Montana gardeners are always looking for ways to increase yields and have healthier plants. A Billings-based company's all-natural microbial soil booster recently showed up on my radar.
Did you know there is another three-digit number for Montanans who are struggling with food insecurity, housing, transportation, legal services, and other hardships?
High levels of radium, uranium, nitrate, nitrite, chloroform, and other nasty stuff exceeds recommended health guidelines for many Montana communities. Here are the Top 9 worst offenders, according to MT DEQ data.
From healthy living and hard work - to an unusual favorite food - Montanan's aged 100 and up shared their "secrets" to living two decades past the average lifespan.
Local women or newbie ladies, there's a ton of wonderful groups you can join to share your love of the outdoors. Montana has so much to offer everyone, but sometimes you just want to hang with the girls. No problem. Your passion is shared by thousands, so let's explore some of the best groups for women.