One Year Ago: Bozeman Kids “Cut Footloose” for Prom in Big Timber
Originally published: May 3, 2021
How many of you were kids in the 1980s when movies like "Footloose" and "Dirty Dancing" were constantly on TV? I was definitely a kid in the 1980s. That's why I really got a kick out of the fact that a bunch of high school kids in Bozeman apparently had to "cut footloose" and head to Big Timber, Montana for the big school dance.
Since we take phone calls (and emails) on our statewide radio talk show, you never know what we're going to talk about. I was talking about how the University of Montana and Montana State University (MSU) held outdoor graduation events in their respective stadiums over the weekend. I mentioned how the grads were wearing masks, and how hopefully they can not only throw those graduation caps in the air, but hopefully they can also throw those masks in the air, and no high school or college senior will ever have to wear them again.
That's when Steve in Bozeman sent us a great email. He said MSU did a great job of hassling most of the folks who decided not to wear masks at the stadium.
He also told us about a great story. Apparently, the Bozeman schools weren't allowing a prom to take place for the high school kids, so the Bozeman High Hawk "mom and pops" decided to put together an event. The Bozeman schools still weren't having it, so they "Cut Footloose" and bussed the kids to Big Timber for their "Footloose" themed prom. (Big Timber is a great small town about halfway between Billings and Bozeman for those who don't know.)
Based on the pictures that Steve sent me (from another source), it looks like they did a great job of decorating with lights and balloons like the final dance seen from the movie "Footloose" featuring Kevin Bacon in 1984.
***By the way, the Oklahoma town that inspired the movie "Footloose" recently celebrated the 40th Anniversary of the students' right to hold a prom.
If you have any photos that you took of the event and can give us permission to share, feel free to send 'em our way aaron(at)montanatalks.com
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