Biden BLM Pushing Anti-Rancher Agenda in Montana
Here we go. The Biden Administration's War on the West is definitely in full swing. First, he shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline and targeted oil and gas drilling on federal lands. Then, he re-launched the Waters of the US regulations. And now the Biden BLM is playing dirty with their anti-rancher agenda in Montana.
On Thursday, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced that they would be accepting public comment on an Environmental Assessment that would prop up the foreign-billionaire funded American Prairie Reserve (APR).
The APR is the highly controversial organization that has been working to remove Montana ranchers from the land, and replace it with their wild bison reserve. Outrage over the APR has prompted Montanans to put up signs all over the state saying "Save the Cowboy, Stop the American Prairie Reserve."
According to a BLM press release, "A virtual public meeting is planned for Wednesday, July 21, 1-4 p.m., via Zoom to provide the public an opportunity to comment about the Draft EA and FONSI. Pre-registration is required."
Montana's Governor is clearly not pleased with the highly limited public comment period from the BLM. Here's what Gov. Greg Gianforte (R-MT) had to say:
One public comment hearing on Zoom in the middle of haying and harvest season doesn’t give Montanans adequate opportunity to have their voices heard. BLM officials should come out from behind their computers and meet face-to-face with Montanans about their proposal.
Here's the governor's original tweet. You can also read his full letter to the BLM by clicking here.
The Montana Stockgrower's Association is also expressing their disappointment with the BLM's draft environmental assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI).
According to a press release from their association, MSGA has raised a variety of concerns with the American Prairie Reserve’s request to BLM to change the class of livestock from cattle to bison, change the authorized seasons-of-use, and the removal of interior fences.
Jim Steinbeisser, MSGA President: The fences represent a significant monetary investment in improvements, and if this change in grazing management proceeds, BLM must analyze what steps will be taken to address any resource damage. We feel many of the request changes in the draft have significant resource impacts and have not been fully vetted or analyzed by the BLM.
Here's the bottom line: the Biden BLM is making a move that could be harmful to the environment and the rangeland, while clearly making a dirty political move. They're doing favors for the elites at the APR, while taking a direct shot at the ranchers here in Montana.
By the way, we talked about the BLM, bison, and more with several guests on the radio Thursday. Check out our podcast audio with Gov. Gianforte, Range Magazine columnist Dave Skinner, and farm broadcaster Trent Loos, who was in Montana for the Arise USA tour.
Here's the audio:
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