When I heard about the World War II bomber that had crashed, my first thought was "Please God, not the Miss Montana." Upon learning the plane was a B-17 Flying Fortress, I was relieved a little by still saddened by the loss of seven people.

Turns out that very plane had made a visit to Billings in the past. George Blackard of the American Legion reported on the heroics of one Master Sergeant who guided people out of that crash.  Here is the audio:


You can catch George and Aaron every Friday in the 7:00 a.m. hour for "Freedom Fridays," devoted to the brave men and women who serve and have served our country, and to the communities that honor our service personnel and veterans.

We thank George and all the great members of the American Legion here in Billings for their service to our Veterans, our Service Personnel, and to the community. We appreciate you all.

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