Tribal Leaders Oppose Keystone XL Route
The controversial Keystone XL Pipeline to connect Tar Sands from Canada to U.S. oil refineries has President Trump’s seal of approval for entry into Montana via the Port of Morgan in northern-most Phillips County. In an exclusive report, shows that TransCanada CEO Russell Girling believes the pipeline is a done deal, but tribal leaders oppose the project. Tribal Chairman Floyd Azure says water is the main concern.
Their groundwater was poisoned by oil field waste dumped on the Reservation, dating back to the 1950s, forcing the Tribe to build its own state-of-the-art water system. The $300 million Fort Peck Rural Water system provides clean water to five counties, but the pipeline would cross under the Missouri River within a few miles of the dam’s spillway. They’ve asked TransCanada to consider moving the crossing downstream of the dam’s water intake.