WATCH: Top 10 Snowy Roof Avalanche Fails
Here we go. Snow is melting from rooftops after a record setting snow fall here in Wyoming. I don't know about you but I keep hopping to see the snow piled on the roof of my house come crashing down all at once. If that does happen I'm sure it will occur when I am not around to see it.
In the video below, you will see people trying to clear their roofs of snow. This is dangerous and does not always end well.
I'm sure you miss shoveling all of that powder and fighting to get it all off of your car before you can drive.
Well, to help get in true Wyoming winter spirit, here is a video compilation of the best, worst, and most dangerous roof avalanches we've seen- courtesy of the Machinery Presents YouTube channel.
AH YES, there is nothing like hearing the creaking of the eves and that worried feeling that the roof might collapse in on you while you sleep. All you need to do is go out with a shovel or some other long-handled tool and poke in the right places until it all comes crashing down.
Careful, this is a dangerous game. If you are standing in the wrong place when it comes down you're going to be under it all!
Watching the snow slide off the roof is fun, everybody cheers.
Then, moments later- seconds perhaps, comes that feeling when you realized, "Oh Crap, now I have to remove that big pile from my yard."
I've often wondered, why don't we just build homes with steeper pitched roofs? Not everywhere, just in those places where it snows enough. Then we would never have this problem.
Not to worry folks. La Nina does not last forever. El Nino will come back and we will be buried in snow again.