The Dakotas Look to Nullify Biden Executive Orders
With the cloud of new regulations, gun control, and anti-jobs measures hanging over the Rocky Mountain West and Upper Great Plains, lawmakers in North and South Dakota are looking to push back through nullification.
We had a caller into our radio show Tuesday morning bring up the effort in North Dakota to stop President Biden's executive orders through nullification. A similar effort is underway in South Dakota as well.
According to The Tenth Amendment Center, the proposed law in North Dakota would place any executive order under review by the state's attorney general.
North Dakota's House Bill 1164 would specifically cover the following categories of executive orders:
a. Pandemics or other health emergencies;
b. The regulation of natural resources, including coal and oil;
c. The regulation of the agriculture industry;
d. The use of land;
e. The regulation of the financial sector as it relates to environmental, social, or governance standards; or
f. The regulation of the constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
Similar legislation has also been introduced in South Dakota, as The Daily Wire reports. Here's what State Rep. Aaron Aylward (R-Harrisburg) told KELO-TV:
“This isn’t just a President Biden issue but rather an overall executive overreach issue that we’ve been experiencing for a long time,” Aylward said. “The U.S. Congress has abdicated their duty for a long time in different areas. This bill is simply setting up a process to nullify acts that would be unconstitutional. When looking at the U.S. Constitution, the President only has the powers that are laid out in Article II.”
What about Montana? I'm told State Sen. Tom McGilvray (R-Billings) is developing a proposal for the Montana Legislature as well. More to follow.
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