Fire managers across western and northwestern Montana have lifted Stage Two fire restrictions, according to Education and Program Manager Dillon Tabish with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks.

“We are going to rescind the Stage Two fire restrictions across Northwest and western Montana,” said Tabish. “So that means that on federal, state and county forest lands or other lands that fall under the federal, state or county jurisdictions, those fire restrictions have been lifted.”

Tabish explained the activities that have been restored in area forests.

“That means you can have campfires again, and you can do other kind of normal activities that you're permitted to do, that are restricted when fire restrictions are in place,” he said. “So that's all good news, but we still need people to be aware that fire conditions aren't zero, so there's always a risk, and so we just need everybody's help to prevent any campfires getting out of control or any other fires getting out of control.”

Tabish said the restrictions are being lifted just days before hunting seasons get underway.

“Archery season is right around the corner starting September 4, which is a really exciting time of year to get outside and start filling those tags,” he said. “So if you're going to be building a warming fire, for example, you just want to really be careful and make sure that that thing is dead out after you leave, and also make sure that you're having a fire only where you're allowed to.”

Tabish said all Montanans and visitors should make themselves aware of safety policies while in the forests of western Montana.

“One of the parts of living in Montana means being out in the wild and knowing how to handle yourself and being safe out there,” he said. Now is a good time to go through those reminders. As we get ready for changes in the weather, know that it's definitely getting a little colder out there at night and in the mornings and so good to transition to the seasonal changes and also just any education you can get. It'll make you more successful as a hunter. It'll make you more successful coming home safe.”

Click here for up to date fire information across Montana.

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