Make-A-Wish And Metra RV Make Young Montana Cancer Patient’s Dream Come True
With the holidays upon us, many of us are thinking about holiday parties, gift-giving, decorations, holiday meals, and the kids are excited about what they might get from Santa. For one Montana boy and his family, their thoughts have been sidetracked by cancer. 6-year-old Wyatt was diagnosed with cancer and he hasn't been able to spend time with friends and or what most 6-year-old boys do. Wyatt's wish through Make-A-Wish of Montana & South Dakota was not what you might think it would be.

While a lot of kids ask to go to Disneyland or Disney World, Wyatt wanted something different: he asked for a camper so that his family could go camping. With COVID-19, he isn't able to spend time with his friends like most kids would get to do. With the help of Doug & Debbie Becker, owners of Metra RV, Make-A-Wish was able to make Wyatt's dream come true as they presented him and his family with a camper. Wyatt and his parents are the proud owners of a 2015 Keystone Outback 250 Bunkhouse with a king bed and two slides.
For anyone not familiar with Make-A-Wish, it's an organization founded 40 years ago this year to create and grant life chaining experiences for children with critical illnesses. Since its inception in 1980, the Make-A-Wish Foundation has granted over 330,000 wishes for children with critical illnesses. Sue Salter Present and CEO of Make-A-Wish of South Dakota & Montana says,
"Wishes are only possible because of the generous individual and corporates donations. [She] encourages everyone to get involved and visit sdmt.wish.org to learn more".
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