BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — A 23-year-old Montana hunting guide has received a lifetime suspension of his hunting, fishing and trapping rights for poaching multiple trophy big game animals in 2017.

The Billings Gazette reports Brandon K. Schuhen was also ordered Friday by District Judge Don Harris to complete 500 hours of community service for a wildlife conservation organization, serve 10 years of probation and pay $33,050 in restitution to the state of Montana.

Harris says one of the things that disturbed him about the case was that the killed animals were mostly left to waste.

Schuhen pleaded guilty to five counts of unlawful possession, shipping or transportation of a trophy big game animal, a felony.

Authorities say the animals poached by Schuhen included three bull elks and a buck antelope.


Information from: The Billings Gazette,

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