Green Energy Caller: A Golden Opportunity with NWE
Dear Green Energy Caller:
I have written before about creating a renewable energy company in your community, to prove that wind and solar, with a hydro-electric pump storage, will adequately supply power for all the residents throughout all weather conditions.
NorthWestern Energy wants your idea!
Ben Fitch Fleischmann spoke with Aaron about the supply resource portfolio for meeting the load needs of their customers in a 20-year forecast. Thanks to the loss of energy assets (such as Colstrip 1 & 2), currently NWE has only half the power to meet the peak load, and so has to buy power from the energy market at whatever the price.
The company is open to ideas to satisfy the load and to avoid the uncertainty of the open market. In Ben’s own words:
Caller, this is the opportunity delivered on a silver platter! NWE wants ideas! Get the big picture developed in great detail, with layouts, megawatts generated and storage capacity, budgets and funding plans. Show them that yours is the shining, feasible path to the future.
Even if NorthWestern Energy passes on the idea, you have that big picture plan to attract venture capital and take the lead in communities throughout Montana, in direct, free market competition with the establishment utilities.
And of course, I want to assist with the funding. Earlier I had committed to a $20 investment. Let’s bump that up another ten to $30. The company capital has already grown!
Remember, fortune favors the bold.
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