Former Montana Supt Pushing CRT, NAACP Says She “Exacerbated Racism”
The former Democrat Superintendent of Public Instruction in Montana was accused by the NAACP of "exacerbating racism" in the Seattle schools.
Now that same superintendent, Denise Juneau (D-MT), is pushing "critical race theory" (CRT) in Montana schools, which would do what? Exacerbate racism.
You can't make this stuff up.
For background, Montana's current Superintendent Elsie Arntzen (R-MT) is working to block "critical race theory" in Montana's K-12 public schools.
While requesting an Attorney General's legal opinion, Arntzen had this to say about CRT:
Our schools should not be teaching debunked theories that twist and distort our history, and fringe philosophies that Americans have consistently rejected.
The former Democrat Superintendent Juneau criticized Arntzen in an op-ed posted on a new liberal blog website in Montana.
In the article, Juneau (using very discriminatory language we might add) says Arntzen is trying to "white-wash" history.
Yes, Juneau is the same former Democrat superintendent who shut down the Seattle schools and got attacked by the NAACP for "exacerbating racism" in Seattle. Oddly enough, by pushing "Critical Race Theory" Juneau would be "exacerbating racism."
One of our callers on our radio show at the time the story was first reported had a great response to the whole dustup about Juneau being attacked by the NAACP. Tim in Billings said, "Nobody wins when you decide to play the identity Olympics."
Arntzen has described the "outlandish succotash of woke phrases and vague terms" used by the radical Leftists who are trying to push CRT in Montana's K-12 schools.
If you think she was stretching, check out this gobbledygook from the white liberal who runs the African American studies program at The University of Montana.
Tobin Miller Shearer: Most centrally, the presentation of critical race theory and antiracism training is highly caricatured, elides the nuance of the broad range of scholarship that has been developed under the CRT umbrella, and misrepresents the sophisticated and rigorous exploration of the dynamics of power and privilege represented in that body of scholarship.
Sufferin' succotash...
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