52 year-old Glen Lee Dibley, who was also once known as Caressa Hardy, was sentenced on Friday in Missoula District Court by Judge James Wheelis to four concurrent life sentences for two counts of deliberate homicide and two counts of solicitation for deliberate homicide.

Deputy Missoula County Attorney Bryan Lowney outlined the charges against Dibley.

“There were four counts,” began Lowney. “There were two counts of deliberate homicide and two counts of solicitation for deliberate homicide. The deliberate homicide charges were based on his murder of two men, Thomas Korjack and Robert Orozco in March of 2013. Subsequently, he was arrested in 2017 and while in custody he solicited several inmates that he was housed with to kill the primary witness against him, Karen Hardy.”

Lowney said the four life terms would be served concurrently.

“This is a true life sentence,” he said. “He will be eligible for parole in 28 years, when he reaches the age of 80, and at that time the parole board will make the decision on whether parole will be granted.”

Before sentence was imposed by Judge Wheelis, Dibley read a four page statement against his attorney’s advice.

“My name is Glen Lee Dibley and I am not guilty of murder and I am also no guilty of solicitation to commit deliberate homicide,” said Dibley. “I am innocent of all four of these allegations and charges.”

Dibley went on to attack the court, his prosecutors and his own defense counsel. As he continued, Dibley began to quote large sections of the Bible, specifically from the Book of Matthew by stating ‘Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.’

At the end of his statement, Dibley pronounced his own sentence on the city and county of Missoula and the state of Montana.

“Missoula County, State of Montana, I believe you have 40 days to repent of your sins, or else the Lord in heaven will overthrow.”

Dibley was remanded to the Missoula County Jain where he will be transported to the Montana State Prison in Deer Lodge to serve his four concurrent life terms.


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