The Missoula County Elections Office, in partnership with the University of Montana Political Science Department, recently conducted a telephone survey.
Mule deer numbers is the Bitterroot Valley haven’t been up to par, as shown in previous years, even in the valley’s trophy district. A recent survey showed dwindling numbers compared to years past, with little explanation.
Distracted driving has shown to be the number one killer of teens in the U.S., according to a 2009 report. But in Montana, that doesn't stop some teens.
A survey commissioned by the Greater Montana Foundation shows that Montanans still depend heavily on television and radio for their news, but that the internet is fast becoming a source for information as well.
During the 2013-2014 session of the Montana State Legislature, a joint resolution (S.J. 15) passed, setting up a bipartisan committee to study how well public land was being managed by the federal government in the state of Montana.
Personality surveys are pretty standard in many schools. They exist to give the staff a little insight into the life of the child they are responsible for taking care of. This father was asked to fill this out on behalf of his 11-month-old daughter, and fill it out he did. I can't be sure about the type of responses the daycare was expecting, but this father gave some very honest and hilarious answers to the silly questionnaire.