Thanks to a grant from the Gianforte Family Foundation, the Montana Association for the Blind is going to expand even further into the high tech arena.
The Montana School Board's Association is now distancing itself from the national association following this outrageous request. They released a statement on Tuesday praising the civility of Montanans. Here's a couple excerpts from their statement.
School officials from multiple states are calling on President Joe Biden to reverse his ban on oil and gas leases on federal lands. Montana's Superintendent of Public Instruction Elsie Arntzen (R-MT), signed on to a letter along with public school representatives in Wyoming, North Dakota, Utah, and Alaska.
If an LGBT-Q, liberal, Democrat, native woman isn't woke enough for the Seattle I must be Sleeping Beauty. As The Seattle Times reported back in October, Juneau has been under fire from the NAACP for "exacerbating racism" in the Seattle public schools.