He was cashing in on business deals with the Communist Chinese government before the pandemic, and he's cashing in on deals with the Communist Chinese government after the pandemic (or are we still technically in the pandemic?).
When I first saw this headline in my email inbox, I thought it had to be fake news. Baucus can't be this dumb. But then I found the actual news story and it became clear: former Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) has lost his mind.
There are fresh allegations in the Hunter Biden scandal showing former Chinese ambassador Max Baucus (D-MT) as a key player. Investigative reporter Peter Schweizer was on Fox News with Maria Bartiromo over the weekend showing the linkage.
Max Baucus defending China is outrageous in its own right. The fact that Max Baucus used his tenure as Ambassador to China to cash in and land board positions on major Chinese companies like e-commerce giant Alibaba is outrageous in its own right. The latest from former Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) is even worse.
While his op-ed had little by way of substance, it was abundantly clear what his piece was really about: attempting to "throw shade" on President Trump's nominee for the 9th Circuit- Lawrence VanDyke.
With all of the focus on foreign interference in elections, would charges be filed against Jim Messina, the former chief of staff to Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) and campaign manager for President Barack Obama? That's the question raised in this piece in The American Thinker by Gary Gindler.
Messina says public pollsters "should be shot." He was the chief of staff to former US Senator Max Baucus (D-MT), and the campaign manager for President Barack Obama.