
Both Montana Congressmen Vote Against the Dirty CR
Both Montana Congressmen Vote Against the Dirty CR
Both Montana Congressmen Vote Against the Dirty CR
I know. It's supposed to be called a "clean CR." But I can't in my right mind call it "clean." A spending bill that refuses to address the invasion on our southern border, and continues to send billions to secure other countries is straight up dirty.
The Puppeteers: Montana Talks With Jason Chaffetz
The Puppeteers: Montana Talks With Jason Chaffetz
The Puppeteers: Montana Talks With Jason Chaffetz
Who are the people who control the people who control America? It sure isn't "We the People." Former Utah Congressman and Fox News host Jason Chaffetz tackles that topic in a new book- "The Puppeteers: The People Who Control the People Who Control America."
Montana Veterans Need to Hear About Joe Kent
Montana Veterans Need to Hear About Joe Kent
Montana Veterans Need to Hear About Joe Kent
Joe Kent is the Trump endorsed candidate in Washington state who won an upset victory against a Never Trumper who voted to impeach Trump. More importantly, he's an Army Ranger and Green Beret whose wife gave her life in service to this country while she also served in the military.

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