Bikers will give over $60,000 worth of toys to local kids in need again this year. The Holiday Jam and Auction is 12/1 and the Toy Run through Billings is 12/3.
The truckload of Montana raised and processed pork, sausage and ground beef is headed to Family Service in Billings on Tuesday, September 26. It's a partnership with farmers, ranchers and the Montana Food Bank Network.
Tickets are on sale now for the R.E.D. Tie event, with former White House Chef Andre Rush returning to Billings. It's the 2nd annual gala for Dog Tag Buddies. Sponsorship opportunities and VIP tables are also available.
In 2020 they gave away 90,000 diapers. In 2021, it was 300,000 free diapers and the need isn't slowing down. The United Way Diaper Drive is coming up on June 21.
Salvation Army donations are down significantly this year and a big issue is not enough bell ringers. If you can spare a couple of hours, consider signing up now.
Need a trip to the beach? Okay, so it's a virtual this year, but there will definitely be a beach-like vibe on February 27, 2021 during the Family Promise of Yellowstone Valley annual fundraiser.