One of the challengers taking on an incumbent in the hotly contested school board races in Billings, Montana is now up by just one vote. This, after provisional ballots were counted at the Yellowstone County Courthouse.
When it comes to school board member races, most people will do no homework before they check the box. Your vote matters but your homework is an important part of that.
Round one goes to Emily Pennington, the junior at Billings West High School with Down Syndrome, who wants to graduate with her class next year even after she turns 19.
Last night at the school board meeting, it was the first opportunity to address the age-out policy known as 2050...
Emily Pennington and her parents were LIVE on Fox & Friends from Billings, Montana on Saturday morning. Her dad made a GREAT point about COVID money and school administrator bonuses. Check out the video below.
Folks, the ballots go out next week for the mill levy and school board candidates. Send them a message, take charge of your schools, it's that important.
A Billings teen with Down Syndrome who is not being allowed to enter her senior year and graduate has been blowing up local social media, and the School District isn't saying anything about it.