
Pro Life Measures Moving Forward in Montana
Pro Life Measures Moving Forward in Montana
Pro Life Measures Moving Forward in Montana
What a contrast. The Montana Legislature is moving forward to put in place reasonable restrictions on abortion (as much as many of you would like to see it ended entirely). Meanwhile, President Biden put forward a nominee to lead the Health & Human Services Department who couldn't even state one reasonable limit on abortion he would support.
Pro Life Candidates Did Well in Montana, Elsewhere
Pro Life Candidates Did Well in Montana, Elsewhere
Pro Life Candidates Did Well in Montana, Elsewhere
Nonetheless, it wasn't just a good election for pro-life conservatives like Greg Gianforte and Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) in Montana, pro-life conservatives all across the country did well. Here's what reps with the Family Research Council had to say in an op-ed for The Christian Post.
Billings Protest
Billings Protest
Billings Protest
The Gazette reports that about 60 people gathered on the county courthouse lawn Tuesday in downtown Billings to bring attention to the Trump administration’s proposal to cut off federal funding to health care providers that perform abortions or refer patients to clinics that do...
Abortion Bill Divides Senators
Abortion Bill Divides Senators
Abortion Bill Divides Senators
The issue of abortion came up at the U.S. Senate today, September 24, where proponents of a bill titled “The Pain Capable Child Protection Act,” sought to limit abortions in the United States to only those pregnancies within 20 weeks of conception.

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