Shame On You, School District 2: Let Her Graduate
My heart aches today. It aches for the family of Emily Pennington and others in the Billings school district whose kids may have special needs and could be denied the opportunity to graduate because of their age.
Any parent who is worth a grain of salt knows that there is no stronger love than that for your children. To see your child being denied the right to an accomplishment like a graduation or their senior year because of this is reckless.
This summer house bill 233 was amended to allow school districts to extend high school education for special needs kids up to 21. This family is asking for her to be allowed to participate in her senior year with her peers who support her being there as well.

We've heard from many employees of the school district who are furious but fear retribution from the district if outspoken. This administration just gave themselves $5.1 million dollars in COVID-19 money for salaries and have the guts to ask people for another $1.5 million dollar mill levy and pull something like this?
You have just lost the public trust and credibility in running our educational system. Thank God there are at least teachers who care about the kids and will work hard to get them through no matter what dumb decision the administration makes.
This is what people get for their tax dollars? One more thing, if you work in the administration and have a disability or have had a child with one, where are you? You should be the loudest voice that we hear. Shame on you School District 2.
Stand strong Billings, and WE STAND BEHIND EMILY....
See you tomorrow at 5 a.m.
CONGRATS: Graduates, Class of 2021 From Montana Schools
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