Red Flag Warning, Critical Fire Conditions Wednesday (8/12)
Beginning at 11am tomorrow (Wednesday 8/12), the National Weather Service is putting a Red Flag Warning into effect for south central and southeast Montana, and north central Wyoming.
High temperatures, low humidity, windy conditions, and possible thunderstorms are creating "critical fire weather conditions" for Billings and the surrounding area.
According to the N.W.S. forecast, temperatures are expected to be in the 90's to near 100 degrees, humidity will be 8 to 16 percent, and wind gusts could be up to 35 mph throughout the region on Wednesday.
There's a 20 percent chance of thunderstorms for Billings during the day tomorrow, and a 30 percent chance tomorrow night, according to the National Weather Service forecast. Isolated storms may increase fire danger as they produce erratic and gusty winds, according to the N.W.S.
A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. -National Weather Service
According to the 10-day extended forecast from the Weather Channel, a week long dry stretch is possible for Billings. After a 10 percent chance of rain Wednesday (8/12), and a 20 percent chance of precipitation Thursday (8/13), there's a zero percent chance of rain from Friday, August 14 through Thursday, August 20.
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