Olszewski ‘I’m the Only GOP Candidate who is a Montana Resident’
Republican U.S. House candidate Dr. Al Olzeweski was on KGVO’s Talk Back show on Wednesday, and answered questions from listeners.
Dr. Olszewski is often asked which bill he would sponsor first if elected to Congress, and he always has the same answer.
“What's the first bill you're going to carry?” he asked. “I tell people, it's very simple. If you see a fire, put it out. And the truth is they (the federal government) makes more money when it's a bigger fire than when it's a smaller fire. So the incentives in the in the federal law need to be changed so that the incentive is to put it out early, and not wait until it explodes.”
One veteran asked Dr. Olszewski about a surgical procedure that has been denied by Medicare.
“They (Medicare) don't look at their contract with America as an enduring contract,” he said. “To them, it's ‘a living and breathing document’ and the bureaucrats change the terms of service. In order for them to pay for illegal immigrants to get health care in all the other states, they're going to have to take it away from the Medicare population. So as your next Congressman, I'm going to fight with the doctors’ caucus, that if the government promises you a service and you actually pay for it, you should have that service delivered to you in the good faith of the United States.”
Olszewski then compared his candidacy with that of former Congressman and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.
“But the truth is, Zinke is a big boy, and he’s the Interior Secretary that resigned. He's from out of state, and he's a California resident, it is it has iced many other people from thinking about jumping into this race.”
Olszewski said not only is he the only Republican running for Congressman who is now a Montana resident, but that he is rated more conservative than Ryan Zinke.
“The American Conservative Union has noted is the oldest conservative activist organization in the United States,” he said. “They have a national conservative ranking on both myself and on Mr. Zinke. My conservative ranking is 88 percent, while Ryan Zinke’s conservative ranking is 69 percent. “You can go to their website and see that for yourself.”
There are now four Democrats who have declared their candidacy for the U.S. House primary election.
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