
The widow of a murder victim reported receiving photos of her husband’s bloody body and autopsy, along with a note that read, “For Your Family Album.”  Authorities are investigating 74-year-old James Douglas Sindelar, convicted in March of killing his own son Wesley Sindelar.  According to an affidavit from Deputy Chief of Criminal Operations Christopher Morris, Wesley’s widow Victoria Sindelar received an envelope sent from the Yellowstone County Detention Facility.

Enclosed was the note and a color photograph of her husband’s remains, as well as two pages of black and white thumbnails from Wesley Sinderlar’s autopsy.  Morris said only the defendant or attorneys would have access to those materials at the Detention Facility,” Morris is seeking a handwriting sample to confirm James Sindelar sent the photos to his son’s widow.  Defendants have legal access to case evidence prior to trial and defense attorneys can provide them with these materials while incarcerated.

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