MSU Ranked The Top College in Montana
There are a few colleges and universities in Montana that could definitely hold this title and it's great to see MSU come out on top.
Intelligent.com is a higher education website that ranked all of the top colleges and universities in Montana and they believe that Montana State University is the best one in the whole state.
They evaluated the schools on a number of factors. From cost, reputations, flexibility, faculty and course strength. They gave Montana State University an overall score of 98.88 and that in incredible. Intelligent.com cited their cost, course strength and cost as some of the best factors that Montana State University has for them. Montana State University is known for several huge fantastic degrees. They have a prominent film, engineering, architecture, and agriculture program.
The other schools in the top three are Montana Tech University and University of Montana. I expected Montana Tech to be rated pretty high, their engineering program is one of the best in the whole northwest but what I didn't expect was to see Carroll College rated as the second to lowest for four year universities in Montana. That simply blew my mind.
There has been one thing obvious over the past several years and that is Montana State University is becoming a destination college not only because off the incredible beauty we have around us but because of the incredible education they can receive. Montana State University has studnets from all over the world wanting to come here and learn.
For more details, check out Intelligent.com.
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