Montana Stockgrowers on Friday’s ‘Montana Talks’ with Aaron Flint
The Montana Stockgrowers are holding their annual mid-year meeting in Dillon, Montana this week. The mid-year meeting is where ranchers from across the state gather to discuss important policy matters impacting Montana's number one industry- agriculture.
We'll talk with Bryan Mussard, the president of the Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA), from Dillon on Friday's "Montana Talks" with Aaron Flint.
According to MSGA: Bryan has been involved in five major segments of the beef industry. He bought his first commercial cow when he was 10 years old. He ran commercial cows for the next 16 years. He purchased his first registered cows from Shultz Angus in 1984. Today, Bryan, along with his wife, Marcia, his family, and good friends operate Reminisce Angus which sells 100 bulls annually and runs 350 mother cows. Bryan has been actively involved in the commercial feeding business for 40 years. Today, his operation weans, backgrounds, and develops 10-12,000 head of cattle annually and collects genetic data for customers through their Tracker marketing program. Bryan also manages ranches through the Big West Management Program.
Top officials will also be making the rounds at the Stockgrowers meeting, including Brian Steed, the Acting Director of the Bureau of Land Management.
By the way, the Stockgrowers named their new executive vice president, a well known name already to Montana producers. Jay Bodner of Helena was just named Executive Vice President of MSGA this week.