Look Out For The West Nile Virus In Missoula
I know the last thing you want to hear after having spent the past year-and-a-half inside is talk of another virus, but it's always good to be prepared: health officials are warning Montana about the spread of West Nile Virus, which is typically transmitted through mosquito bites.
You may have already noticed that mosquitoes are back in full force, especially since they're drawn to warmer climates. And the best way to stop any potential spread is to work to prevent mosquito bites altogether.
To that end, there's a few things you can do: first off, you can use insect repellant before heading outside. Mosquitoes are also known to be drawn to standing water, so make sure to drain that around you. Be aware that dawn and dusk are the most frequent times that mosquitoes are active, so stay inside during those times if you can. And finally, wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants when possible (although with temperatures in the high '90s in Missoula, that might be a pretty big ask for some people).
As of right now, there have been no positive tests for West Nile Virus in Montana, but officials from the Department of Public Health stress that we're in the early stages of the summer and that could change over the next few months.
So if you're out and find yourself getting bitten, make sure to keep an eye on the bite for symptoms. The last thing we need is another viral outbreak on our hands.