Kalispell Veteran Praises Amy Coney Barrett for Supreme Court
He's from Kalispell, Montana. He's a West Point graduate. He served in Afghanistan. He studied under Judge Amy Coney Barrett while in law school at Notre Dame. And he wants you to know that she is an incredible nominee for the Supreme Court of the United States.
Chase Giacomo joined us earlier this week on our "Montana Talks" radio show with Aaron Flint from Kalispell, Montana. He also penned a column at Real Clear Politics, where he doesn't just talk about Amy Coney Barrett the judge, or Amy Coney Barrett the law professor- he talks about Amy Coney Barrett the person, the woman who helped guide him and his wife through the process of adopting a child.
Giacomo calls Barrett "an unlikely mentor" in his Real Clear Politics piece:
There I was, a West Point graduate, older than most of my fellow law students, one of the only students with multiple young children, and almost certainly the only one who, just a few months prior, had been leading meetings with village elders in Afghanistan as an Army officer and platoon leader. To top it off, I was also working through painful physical therapy to recover from injuries I received during my time in service.
He later added:
What is most impressive is that I am only one of the many students who look to Judge Barrett as a mentor.
Check out the full audio below, as Giacomo joined us live on our Montana Talks radio show.
By the way, we also spoke about the Judge Barrett nomination with Giancarlo Canaparo of The Heritage Foundation. Find that audio on our "Montana Talks with Aaron Flint podcast" page. There you will also find our chat with John Lott, Jr. talking about the importance of her nomination to the future of the 2nd Amendment.
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