This Candy Sends More Montanans to the Dentist than any Other
Kids across the Treasure State will haul home buckets of candy again this year for Halloween and parents will undoubtedly help themselves to their favorites. Just be careful... some of these candies are more likely to land you in the dentist's chair than others.
Candies and trips to the dentist.
All the sugar is certainly not healthy, and proper brushing is paramount. Not just for kids, either. Grown-ups can't resist looting the trick-or-treat stash and it's usually adults that end up with an immediate, candy-caused dental issue. Sometimes these lead to an emergency trip to the dentist. According to the teeth experts at Shiny Smile Veneers, the number one candy for causing dental pain is Jawbreakers. They wrote,
Over a third of Americans say they’ve had candy-related accidents that led to dental issues, the most common ones being teeth sensitivity, tooth pain, and damaged fillings and crowns.
The average cost of a candy-related office visit to the dentist was $528. After Jawbreakers, the dental site says the next most hazardous candies for our teeth are Jolly Ranchers and Bit-O-Honey.
What about the Switch Witch?
Some parents dole out the candy one piece at a time, making the candy stash last for months, while others let their kids power through it and get it over with. That's how we roll at my house. Have you heard about this wacky thing called the Switch Witch? The Today Show shared how a Utah family tells their kid she can keep five pieces of candy, and the rest goes into a bucket on the front steps.
Late on Halloween night, the Switch Witch shows up, takes the candy, and leaves the kid a gift instead. I feel like this makes Halloween more work for a parent. And the kid gets to keep just five pieces of candy? My kids will eat more than that on the car ride home from Trick-or-Treating.
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