Most of Montana has gone through a massive snowstorm recently but it seems like Billings got a pretty small amount of that snow in comparison to other areas. However, the snow isn't going to be a massive issue this weekend; instead, we're about to see some frigid temperatures starting this weekend that will continue into next week. We hope you'll like single digit highs and negative teens for lows.

Frigid Temperatures Begin on Sunday

According to the forecast from the National Weather Service, we're going to have insanely low temperatures starting on Sunday, with a projected high of only 11 degrees. The chance for snow the night before is fairly small, but the temperatures will only get lower and lower as the week will continue.

Monday, we're looking at an extremely frigid high of only 5, with a low of negative 10 degrees. I'd make sure your vehicles are good to go that morning. I've notoriously had trouble starting my vehicle in the super cold winter months. A while back, I wrote an article talking about what to do with a push-to-start ignition car that won't start in the cold. You should check it out!

Blizzard Conditions Across the State Have Ended

The NWS has ended all Blizzard Warnings across the state, so it seems for now the Blizzard conditions are gone. However, it's important to remember that blowing snow will remain a factor across the state. Make sure you take things slowly and keep an eye out for ice on the road, especially under and over bridges and spots of shade.

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It's possible for some negative highs later on in the week. Make sure you bundle up and take some extra time in the morning to safely warm up your vehicles.

Vintage Photos Of Montana

It's hard to imagine what Yellowstone National Park would look like in black and white. We are so used to seeing the colors that make it one of America's favorite travel destinations. Jezel Doughert's grandmother passed away and like many of us do, she spent hours going through years and years of history, from old yearbooks to news clippings, to pictures. Jezel sent me a piece of history that, if not for her, I wouldn't be able to share with you.

How to Avoid Hitting a Deer While Driving in Montana

We've got deer in the roads, streets, yards, fields - just about everywhere, all the time. Here's how to avoid hitting a deer while driving in Montana.