Prepare for Heat! Billings to Reach 100 Degrees Again This Week
We hope you like roasting, Billings, because we are about to reach 100 degrees again. This summer, the Magic City has been insanely hot and humid, with thunderstorms and golf ball-sized hail accompanying insanely high temperatures. So, make sure you're prepared with sunscreen and perhaps a wide-brimmed hat.
A Chance of Thunderstorms Again with triple-digit temps.
The National Weather Service in Billings is reporting temperatures above 90 degrees starting tomorrow (07/12) and going through the rest of the week. Wednesday (07/13) is reported to reach 99 degrees, which might as well mean we're going to reach 100 again. Many other locations in Montana will also see a drastic increase in temperature starting Wednesday, including Miles City, Sheridan, and Livingston.
This temperature increase is expected to remain going into Saturday and Sunday (07/16,17), however, a chance of showers and thunderstorms is expected on Thursday (07/14). Hopefully, these don't contain hail.
Fun Fact: Billings Gets Most 100 Degree Days in July
Since the National Weather Service started tracking 100-degree days in 1934, Billings has had 195 of them. Out of those, 122 have been in the month of July. This proves that Summers in Billings are now notorious for their hot weather. I've prepared my shorts and tank tops for July in Billings.

We hope you find a good source of cold drinks, ice cream, or snow cones this week and weekend while you try and survive the heat. And, if you have to work in this heat, please make sure you're hydrated and dress appropriately. We don't want any heat stroke victims in this city this week.