Another fun for the whole family event, The Chase Hawks Memorial Association welcomes all to their annual Buckaroo Bike Rodeo once more! This year, the Buckaroo Bike Rodeo lands on Saturday, April 29th at Albertsons on 6th and Central.

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How much does it cost?

Every year, the event is free to the public, and is an opportunity for local children to get their bicycles ready for a summer of riding! The Buckaroo Bike Rodeo starts at 10 AM with volunteers on hand, checking and filling tires, and tuning up bikes to be as good as possible!

Credit: Teddi Vogel, Chase Hawks Memorial Association
Credit: Teddi Vogel, Chase Hawks Memorial Association

Thanks to Billings Clinic

Billings Clinic donated bike helmets, which will be handed out for FREE while supplies last, and throughout the day you'll have the chance to win a NEW bike!

Credit: Teddi Vogel, Chase Hawks Memorial Association
Credit: Teddi Vogel, Chase Hawks Memorial Association

Plus, all participants are fed for free.

Everything wraps up around 2 PM, so be sure to arrive early and ready to go! Enjoy the summer early, get your kiddos out and riding in a safe environment, and enjoy the weather.

For more information on the Buckaroo Bike Rodeo from The Chase Hawks Memorial Association, click the button below.

Credit: Teddi Vogel, Chase Hawks Memorial Association
Credit: Teddi Vogel, Chase Hawks Memorial Association

Have Questions?

Teddi Vogel, the Executive Director of the Chase Hawks Memorial Association, would love to hear from you. Simply call her at 406-248-9295 or email

Credit: Teddi Vogel, Chase Hawks Memorial Association
Credit: Teddi Vogel, Chase Hawks Memorial Association

What are your thoughts on the Buckaroo Bike Rodeo? Will you be bringing your kiddos to participate? Let us know on App Chat or on Facebook!

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