Our featured Wet Nose Wednesday pet from Yellowstone Valley Animal Shelter in Billings this week is a big boy named Tarmac. This handsome fella lands in the Goldilocks age zone... at four years old, he's not too old, and he's certainly not a puppy anymore—Tarmac's age is just right.

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Tarmac has a huge smile. Credit Michael Foth, TSM
Tarmac has a huge smile. Credit Michael Foth, TSM

Tarmac is a surrender, said Lindsay Dillon, Volunteer Coordinator at Yellowstone Valley Animal Shelter. Dillon said his former human(s) were no longer able to care for him. My hunch is that they were elderly. Tarmac grew up on a farm, but he's just as comfortable indoors as out.

Who's a good boy? Credit Michael Foth, TSM
Who's a good boy? Credit Michael Foth, TSM

Tarmac is a handsome dog.

The shelter has classified Tarmac as a Black Mouth Cur mix, based on info provided by his former owner. We'll have to take their word here because Tarmac doesn't seem to have much of the traditional Blackmouth Cur markings.

He's so handsome. Credit Michael Foth, TSM
He's so handsome. Credit Michael Foth, TSM

He's a hefty, handsome boy, tipping the scale at 87 pounds. Tarmac has a thick, mostly-brindle colored coat, with white feet, underbelly, and neck. He's got a huge smile and a friendly personality. Dillon said Tarmac has been known to chase cats, but he loves people (including respectful kids) and plays well with other dogs.

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Graphic YVAS, used with permission
Graphic YVAS/Canva, used with permission

Need a pet spayed or neutered?

Sterilizing your dog or cat is the number one thing you can do to help prevent unwanted animals. Each month, YVAS offers a low-cost spay and neuter clinic. Registration is always on the 1st of the month. Space is limited and slots are quickly filled. Dillon recommended logging on promptly at 8 AM on Feb 1 to sign up.

Thank you, Shipton's Big R for supporting animal adoption in the Billings area. You can browse all of the pets currently available for adoption at Yellowstone Valley Animal Shelter HERE.

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