A missing Montana man's body has been found, according to a 1/24/25 press release from the Hill County Sheriff's Office. The remains of 78-year-old Lynn Taskila were discovered by a landowner 18 miles north of Rudyard, MT.

Rudyard is an unincorporated Hi-Line community between Chester and Havre with approximately 370 residents. Authorities said they received a call on 1/23 at 8:29 PM from a farmer who discovered a deceased male in one of his unused farm trucks.

Rudyard, MT is located between Chester Havre, off Hwy 2. Credit Google
Rudyard, MT is located between Chester Havre, off Hwy 2. Credit Google

The man was reported missing on December 24th.

Taskila was last seen in and around Great Falls, Montana, on Christmas Eve, 2024. Hill County Sheriff Jamie Ross said their investigation revealed that Taskila was driving on an isolated, two-track road during inclement weather when his vehicle became stuck approximately five miles from the main road.

At some point, the man walked three miles to an uninhabited farmhouse (secured for the winter) and took shelter in an unlocked, non-running farm truck on the property. The Sherrif's Office notes that Taskila likely succumbed to hypothermia, and foul play is not suspected. They wrote,

The family and the Great Falls Police Department have been notified that Taskila has been located. Our hearts go out to the family at this difficult time. - Hill County Sherrif's Office
Detroit Area Walloped With Over A Foot Of Snow From Latest Winter Storm
Joshua Lott / Getty Images

Take precautions during winter travel in Montana.

Winter travelers in Montana should always carry a cell phone, charger, and an emergency travel kit. Conditions can change rapidly across the state and drivers are advised to check the Montana511 road report before traveling.

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Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

Gallery Credit: Katelyn Leboff

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Gallery Credit: Jake Foster