This week in Farmer Finishers...

This week's Farmer Finishers is definitely about farming. Mark and I are going to take some time off next week so I can get some grain in the bin. It's been a good summer for moisture at the right time so the crop should be good. The hay was up and down but the wheat should be good. I got started yesterday with a few hiccups at first but by last night had everything the way I wanted.

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Yearly reflections.

Every year during harvest I can't help but think about my dad. He never missed a harvest until his last two years but he loved that time of year. He would always be the dirtiest and the bloodiest at the end of the day from all that aspirin. I think the reason he liked it so much was because it brought the whole family together with one common goal in mind. He was the first up in the morning to get the coffee going and the last one to shower at night so everyone else could get cleaned up and ready for bed first. I see a lot of that in me now, I'll be up first and I'll be the one to close the shed doors and turn off the lights. It's also the same for me to have at least some family here to get the job done. Harvests are definitely team efforts and a good team can make a difference that's for sure.

Have a great time at the Air show or Fair and I'll be watching from a seat in one thing or another.

See you when we get back on August 21st.

1940 Potato Harvest in Aroostook County [Vintage Photos]

Photos of hand crews working in the potato fields in Aroostook County, Maine in late September,1940.