Every year Discovery Channel makes a BIG DEAL about Shark Week. An entire week of nothing but big teeth and blood in the water. Every year I watch Shark Week, and every year I am thankful that I live so far away from shark-infested water. That is until today when I discovered that sharks could possibly exist in Montana.

Now don't panic just yet. There have never been any sightings of sharks in Montana. But it is not completely impossible. In fact, sharks have recently been discovered washed up on the shore of the Salmon River in Idaho.

Idaho Fish and Game
Idaho Fish and Game

According to Field and Stream 

Yesterday, the Idaho Department of Fish & Game (IDFG) announced a “shocking discovery” on the shores of the Salmon River near the town of Riggins in the western part of the state. IDFG fisheries biologist Joe DuPont shared photos of what appear to be a dead salmon shark—a saltwater species with a home range well over 1,000 miles from the Gem State. It’s not clear how long the shark might have been there or how it ended up in the Salmon River before IDFG removed it.

Idaho Fish and Game
Idaho Fish and Game

Some people are thinking this may be some sort of elaborate prank. But, if this shark really did make its way up the Salmon River. What is stopping more sharks from swimming upriver? Possibly making the journey from the ocean all the way up to other tributaries of the Columbia River of the Salmon River. Eventually making their way into Montana waters.

With the recent news of Aliens and UFOs being confined to exist, I wouldn't be surprised if sharks ended up in Montana. It is a crazy time to be alive. That's for sure.

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LOOK: 20 of the biggest insects in the world

Stacker compiled a list of 20 of the biggest insects in the world using a variety of news, scientific, and other sources.