FEE’s Lawrence Reed Talks Freedom, Economics in Montana
We had a remarkable guest join us in our radio studios here in Montana Wednesday morning.
If you're in the Billings area Wednesday night and read this in time- you can actually meet and hear Lawrence Reed, the President Emeritus of FEE, the Foundation for Economic Education at Rocky Mountain College at 7 p.m. He is speaking at an event for the Frontier Institute, a free market think tank based here in Montana. Click here for free ticket info.
Reed is going to talk about "The Seven Principles of Sound Public Policy."
Aaron Flint: "Number one: free people are not equal, and equal people are not free. Expand on that a little more. Because that is a brilliant statement."
Lawrence Reed: "Well, thank you. You have to focus in on a particular kind of equality- when it comes to equality before the law, the idea that we should all be innocent or guilty based upon whether we did it, not according to our racial background, or place of origin, or faith, or whatever. That's not an issue. What I'll be talking about is economic equality. Equality in terms of our material income, and our wealth. And a free society is not going to generate equal incomes. And why? Mainly because people are different. There's not a single person in the history of the world who has been identically copied by another individual. Everybody's different. We're different in terms of the talents, we have our willingness to work, our propensity to save versus spend, our ambitions, a million factors make us very different people. So why should we expect in a free society people will generate the same incomes? They won't. Those who apply their talents and apply them well will tend to do better than those who don't."
He also shared an incredible radio story from behind the Iron Curtain, before Communism came crashing down in Poland.
As Tanner Avery with the Frontier Institute tells us:
Lawrence was recently awarded the The Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland – the highest honor bestowed by Poland upon a foreigner. Past recipients include Ronald Reagan and Sir Roger Scruton. He was awarded this because of his extensive work to bring Liberty and Freedom to Poland. You can read more here."
You're gonna want to listen to the whole chat. Here's audio of our full conversation with Larry Reed:
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